
Restore. Realign. Rebalance.

About Me

Ana Benedict

Ana is short for Anamcara, and I have been working in the field of health improvement for 30 years. During that time I have acquired a diverse and eclectic toolkit of skills to assist clients in getting to where they want to be. Located a stone’s throw from Hitchin’s rail station and within easy reach of its town centre, my aim is to offer a tranquil space to set down the pressures of daily life and focus on what you need for a while.

My physical therapy portfolio includes advanced Thai Bodywork, plus sports/remedial, holistic, Swedish, Champissage (Indian Head) and seated acupressure styles of massage.

I am a certified Breath Coach via the CPCAB (Counselling & Psychotherapy Awarding Body).

I also hold qualifications in cognitive hypnotherapy, Reiki (teacher level), and have completed additional training in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and counselling skills/theory. 

This combination of skills has shaped an approach to my work that is dynamic, versatile and empathic, uniquely geared to achieving results on every level.

A long time meditation practitioner, I am also a lifelong student of the Tarot and shamanic practice as a means of accessing and understanding the deeper self. I bring my own experience in these areas into my work.

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